Has your dog ever eaten something, and you thought "That must be a bug you're eating, my friend?" It's true, Black soldier fly larvae are edible. The little worms that are a favorite of backyard birds have been repurposed to feed your pet animals.
Black Soldier fly larvae - what a mouthful. But we'll just call them "those wriggly worms" or "BSFL." They are packed with nutrition, whether you believe it or otherwise. The grubs contain protein, calcium and fats that will make the coat of your dog shine like a sun-lit mirror. It's that kind of glistening coat which makes everyone at the park wonder, "What are you doing?"
Here's why BSFL may be exactly what your pets were looking for. You're giving Fido, Whiskers or their wild relatives a treat that isn't a million miles from what they ate in the past. This is like giving Fido or Whiskers a natural spa-day for their digestive system.
There's also the buzzword of sustainability. BSFL scores high on the "green scale" because it's reared with food waste. Like a magical trick, leftovers of yesterday can be transformed into tomorrow's gourmet dishes. Here's some premium, high-quality food. Throwing some BSFL to your pet could reduce the pawprint they leave on Mother Earth. Wouldn't you love that?
Okay, don't get too excited. Many of you may be horrified at the notion of eating insects. We've all been warned to avoid bugs on veggies ever since we were children. Pets? But pets? They are known to eat anything and everything when you turn your back. Cats? The cats have dabbled with stranger things. The truth is that these are clean larvae, which have been raised in controlled environments.
Fun ways to include BSFL in your pet's diet are by mixing it into the regular food you feed them or giving them a treat on their own. You can imagine Rover dancing around every time the wriggly parts are cracked. Mittens is staring at you in disbelief as he tries to figure out if your birthday was the best ever or if something has gone wrong.
Introduce any new foods gradually. Willie Wonder Dog should not have an upset tummy. Start slowly, monitor, then adjust. Just like us, animals can be finicky when it comes time to make changes. So a little bit of patience is needed.
It might be a little squeamish to put insect larvae on the grocery list. This is not something you'd see in your local supermarket every day. This makes you wonder if this is a confusing episode of "Pet-culinary Adventures." This modern meal is a great way to make a healthy, environmentally-friendly decision. With that in mind, you'll find it hard to justify a trip to the wilderness.
The next time Buttercup says, "You've got some new goodies?" The next time Buttercup looks at you over her shoulder with that "you've got new treats?" expression, she will know exactly what wriggly delicious surprise to give. I have to admit, these little critters really did find their way in our hearts.